Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ode to August 1

Bring it on.

Bust into my classroom laughing too loudly.  Bumble down the hallways on the legs you grew over the summer without noticing who you just body-checked.  Allow Sharpied unicorns and fairies to dance over your folders while you experiment with profanity on the bathroom walls.  Complain to me about your parents, and then complain about me at lunch.  Forget your pencil again, and again, and again.  Flirt shamelessly in front of me and then blush when I call you on it.  Laugh out loud when someone comments on your outfit, and sink in your desk the rest of the day.  Wear Cookie Monster on your T-shirt and "Leave me alone" on your face.  Wear "Leave me alone" on your face and hug me when I ask how you are. 

Make me have at least three back-to-school nightmares that portray me as helpless in a room of thirteen-year-olds. Make me mask my intimidation on the first day of school while you mask yours.  Make me agonize over a lesson plan only to toss it out and "wing it" when I see question marks in your eyes.  Make me sing with joy and tear my hair out while grading one class set of papers.  While grading one paper.  Make me find the perfect book for you (and then make me have to work to peel you away from it).  Make me wonder if we're connecting the whole year.  Make me cry at least once in front of my colleagues, at least five times at home.  Make me do back flips to keep your attention, and make my heart glad when you raise your hand.  Make me think I know how you learn, and then make me rethink it.  Make me teach you the best way I know how and still not be satisfied.  Make me learn for you.

Keep me awake at night.  Keep me alive during the day.  I'm ready.  Bring it on.

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